Saturday, June 1, 2013

The first day of June 2013 at Itty Bitty Acres :)

Woke up to a beautiful morning that quickly became a beautiful windy morning!!!  Suffered a severe migraine last night and some of its remnants seem to remain today accompanied by nausea.  Still managed to have some quality time with all the animals today!

We even managed to get the first two layers painted on my craft storage unit that the hubby and I are working on. And my sweetie started working on building a long bench to put in the breeze way in the barn that we can sit on when we are "bird" watching the golden pheasants!!!!

Tonight neighbors down the road were riding their normal size horses down beside the property where are miniature horses were. It was so adorable watching our horses run to the fence to meet and greet the "big" horses. There  was a lot of neighing going on! lol  The best part though was when the big horses left, our minis took off running full speed and ran and jumped and bucked all across the arena. It was so beautiful watching the horses run so carefree!

I love my minis!!!!

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